YEAR 2/3
Kia Ora and Welcome to our Mid-Term Parent Communication,
We have had a busy, fun and productive start to the year! It has been wonderful to see learners settling into routines and getting stuck into their learning. Please take the time to read this update and the reminders below.
This week your child’s login will be coming home in their book bag. This site helps to support your child’s reading both in school and at home. Please click the link above to read more information about Lessonzone. Please take advantage of this great programme which the school has already purchased to support learners in Reading.
This is a great online programme to support your child’s Maths learning. It costs $20 for an annual subscription which is used in school and at home. We encourage all learners to subscribe to this programme. You can pay via the School Website. Click on the School Online Shop button on the home page.
Learners will bring home Essential List spelling words every term to practice at home. Hub 8 learners have theirs already. Hub 9 learners are bringing theirs home from next week.
Reading Logs
All learners need a Home Reading Log. This was not included in the stationery list for this year. Year 2 learners may already have one and can bring this in to use. All Year 2 learners need a yellow reading log and all Year 3 learners will need a green reading log. We will send these home in book bags once the order arrives at School.
Reading Home Learning
Children will bring home a reader from the teacher 2-3 times per week. All learners are expected to read every night. This may be a reader from school, a Lessonzone book, a library book or a book from home. All these may be recorded in their Home Reading Log.
We sincerely appreciate the amazing support and help we receive from you as parents. If you have some spare time and are available to help with any of the following please let us know!
- Hub 9, would love to have some parent volunteers who would be able to assist with returning our Home readers to the school library book room on a weekly basis. We desperately need your help with this, please let one of the teachers in Hub 9 know if you are able to assist.
- Break Through (Fridays 9:00am-1:00pm)
If you have a special talent, skill or interest and would be able to help with a breakthrough group next term, we would love to hear from you!
- If you can assist with any odd jobs like cutting, laminating, displays and cleaning tables this would be appreciated too.
Just to let you know, Chromebooks will be starting to come home from this week, for those learners who have shown us that they can meet the Kawa of Care during their learning time.
Lost Property
Please ensure all school items are named. This includes lunchbox, school bag, all clothing, hats, etc.
Each hub has a green lost property tub where learners can look for lost items. This is regularly sent to the red lost property cupboard outside the school library.
Art Shirts: We would love donations of old business shirts for the hubs to use as art shirts.
Our doors are always open and we are very happy to have a chat before or after school. If you have any questions or concerns and need a longer time to meet with us, please feel free to contact one of the hub teachers to make a scheduled time to connect.
Kind Regards
Hub 8 and 9 Teachers