Wednesday, 30 July 2014


SWIMMING for Term 3 has begun!

Swimming for Hub 1 learners has now started up. 
Tuesday was our first swimming session. 

The children were so confident in the water and ready to show us teachers who had great swimming skills.
In our first session our wonderful learners were hopping in the pool, blowing bubbles, putting their heads under and moving through the water in a variety of ways- LOTS of fun for all :)

Here are some photos from our first session.

Mrs England's Geometry Group

We have been learning all about 3D shapes in Geometry.

We now know we describe 3D shapes using faces, corners, edges and sides.

Today we traced around all of the faces of our 3D shape.

Here are some photos from our lesson. 

Monday, 28 July 2014

Magic Underwater Sand Experiment

Today as part of our chemistry learning we finally managed to make magic underwater sand sculptures. 

The Hub 1 and 2 learners and teachers had to be really determined! On the fourth time the magic underwater sand actually worked. 

We watched this video to help us make meaning. 

Here is what we created: 

If you would like to have a go at making this at home click here to see the instructions.